Some tools you already have in Firefox can help you manage your
conversations in Instantbird:
Trying to find where a topic or keyword was mentioned in a long
conversation is a common action. Instantbird uses the same findbar as
Firefox to provide a search facility inside conversations. Just press
Ctrl + F (Command + F on Mac OS X) and the findbar will appear:

However, when looking for something in a conversation, the most recent
match is probably the most interesting. That’s why for Instantbird we
adapted the findbar to search from bottom to top by default.
Having trouble reading the text in conversations or fitting all the
content on a small screen? Then the zoom feature is for you.
The keyboard shortcuts are the same as in Firefox: Ctrl + + to increase
the size, Ctrl + - to decrease, and Ctrl + 0 to reset to the default
size (Command instead of Ctrl on Mac OS X).

The changes in zoom settings are applied to all conversations at once
and saved so that you do not need to adapt the zoom more than once.